(Theory) Vincent died in the last scene and walks into the light

People... would it be too much to ask to STOP SPOILING!!!

This place is about The Deuce. But reading here I keep seeing people talking and spoiling about OTHER shows and movies.

I know better than to go to sub reddits about movies and shows which I have not seen and do not want spoiled. I DO NOT GO THERE. I do not go there and yell at them about no spoilers. I do not go to video message boards and yell about spoilers.

I know going there the danger is there... it is the way things are... BUT WHY IN THE HELL YOU BLAB ABOUT ANOTHER SERIES!?

I have gotten good at diverting my eyes... I will watch true detective and I QUICKLY tried to look away... but the fucking plot point is ruined. what the fuck, how is this a hard concept to grasp?

/r/TheDeuceHBO Thread