Sharp tongued.

But HERE. NOW. on THIS day Fear falls short Fails to convey PALES, as they say, in contrast to the MACERATED AUDACITY That resides within the hearts and minds of ALL MANKIND. Grinded to the core. Gored an disemboweled How can 4 simple scribed symbols contrived by the feeble hand of man ever expound in one single sound the true nature of this terror rising? This blissful agonizing dread. Anguished heads beg for severance beneath the light of a blood red moon.
Languished and appalled. All hope mauled As the Heavens open up and cry Tears of IRON HAIL fall Called down from a once azure sky Now scorched and marred Torched by the fires of 1000 displaced Stars blazing as they race across horizon unbound
to disappear into the infinite unknown

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