AITA for wanting to pull back from my mother for awhile

Hey OP my boyfriend has the exact same kind of parent. Pushes them constantly into things they deem as worthwhile under the guise of just wanting the best for them/ wanting stability and success for them and not letting them follow their passions because they would struggle to make a life that way.

My bf worked hard to get out of a crappy job and got a good job but albeit nothing too professional. literally the same day everyone was congratulating him, his dad was sending him job ads for jobs he wanted him to go into … civil service, emergency service type jobs.

Then 3 years later my bf does amazing and manages to land a dream job and it’s actually a job title that bfs dad had been trying to push him into years ago. Guess who’s not happy and tries to diminish this achievement …. Bfs dad… my only rationale to why is because he can’t claim any credit for it.

Which proves it’s not about the child’s safety / security / quality of life … it’s about bragging rights and control.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread