Ship Build input

I see exactly what your thinking on your boff layout - your thinking " Shared Cool Downs " and I know that's why you have two betas - and copies of other stuff too.

Remember that mastery that phantom comes with "Reciprocitiy" because we are going to use that to push our global cooldowns.

So having said that - on paper the boff setup im going to suggest testing will seem a little " wonky " don't worry - as you'll be able to get your cooldowns back pretty fast .

So starting off with your tact station - for those three boxes put in omega1 beta1 ( or delta 1 ) and finally a tact team 1.

that setup will keep you up and running on background stuff that goes on a cycle for your type of gameplay ( aka your smash bar bind )

On you lt. commander engineering station - lets tank that up and give your phantom a good engine overhaul. A good durable " engine " to push the horsepower that phantom can have will be loads of fun. so move in two emergency powers so that you can keep those on your background cycle with your tact station. and the the third power on that station should be an aux to damp. so the station would go as such ( emergency power to engines 1, auxiliary to dampeners 1, emergency power to shields 3) so now on a space bar bind for your phantom you should have the two emergency powers, the two attack patterns, and that aux to dampeners.

So now that's two of the 5 stations taken care of. Lets move on to the lt. sci/intel. This station will hold hazards 1 for your hull heal and cleanse. And in the second box just goof off - I LOVE ionic turbulence- but you might want to take evade targetlock or maybe something else like tractor beam or even another sci power like transfer shield strength 2 ( probably one of the most unsung powers that I just love that I never get to take anymore on my builds) but most imporatant - make sure you have hazards 1 on this station.

Now the big money - that other tact station - the Commander Intel Tact- this guy is.... how can I say it.. The Game Breaker.

On this Commander Intel dude put in Surgical Strike 3 - Over Ride Subs systems 3- in the lower boxes do fire at will 2 and beam overload 1-

The reason why fire at will and beam overload 1 -

When you click Surgical Strike - it will lockout fire at will and beam overload - but by time surgical strikes is done - you can change over to fire at will ( or ) beam overload if you need to finish off real fast that one last enemy otherwise stick with the fire at will/beta debuf

The idea here is that you will constantly be pushing both attack patters to a global to stack on your choice of beam overload, fire at will, or the surgical strike - save that surgical strike for your over ride subs- nothing in the game is going to put up the dmg you get from that w/o intense min/maxing - AND I MEAN INTENSE - Some of the T5-U scimitars are able to get those dual beam banks up in the 100's and we are just not that developed yet. More importantly - we are not rommy rolled crit gods.

so one station left - your universal ensign - make that guy sport a engineering team- here is why- the OSS will cause a subsystem lockout period when it finally decays away - at this point - an engi team WILL put your subs back online - and if your quick enough to watch your timers - the ET casted at the right time will just buffer over the lockout and you wont even experience the penalty for running OSS and its lockout.

here is the Too Long: Didn't Read version

tt1, beta1, omega 1

beam overload 1, fire at will 2, over ride subs 3, surgical strike 3

emergency power to engines 1, auxiliary to dampeners 1, emergency power to shields 3

ensign universal- engineering team 1

hazard emitters 1, XXX??? ( ion is what I like - is a mega debuffer to stack on beta so goof off with new powers in this box. Intel team grants bonus defence and will help you scan on probes on borg disconnected- feedback pulse for Fire Star's Death - what else ... ummm ... Evade Target lock to help proc more misses to push your reciprocity to its best) alllll sorts of ways to play with this box. please update your post and let us know what boff station your deciding to test in the next couple days.

If you like the suggested boff setup - we can work on getting purple duty officers to just make this ship work in ways that people will assume you've paid tons and tons of money to have what you have.

/r/UFPICA Thread