Should Swearing Be Made Illegal?

So if I understand your reasoning, if something is overused or misused, it should be banned.

Let's try a thought experiment with alcohol. Because many people get drunk and get specific illnesses from overindulging (not to mention the hazards of drunk driving), alcoholic beverages should be banned. However, would it not be much more beneficial to encourage selectivity as to when one does so, moderation, and how to acquire some self control and discipline?

That last question could also be applied to excessive gratuitous swearing. As we all know, when a behavior or way of speaking is forbidden, we usually look for opportunities to engage in it. So, on that front alone, making it illegal would not work.

Consider as well, that swearing is already a part of language. If you don't believe me, check out any dictionary in any language. Accepting the swears is accepting the language as a whole.

Then there is another issue. Freedom of speech is a civil right in a few countries, and it is protected by the country' constitution. If you made swearing illegal, you would be in violation of civil rights in those countries.

Learning responsible usage is the answer,not making it illegal.

/r/u_LinguaUK Thread