Showrunner Aaron Guzikowski Explains the Hooded Figure - full interview coming later this week!

I mean there’s a lot of plot holes in this series. Like wheres the fucking water supply coming from when it’s not snowing. And how can u possibly survive on one food source w little nutrition. It’s just NOT enough food. How is the first necromancer built still intact? Even being in a cave it would decompose more. Why would Sol/ voice want her seeing that? The voice doesn’t seem to add up w what it wants - maybe there’s two? They bring a few guns & arrive in robes? I mean..... They traveled using a damn SIM. Why is their food supply in tuna cans? Woof. Why are there only skeleton remains of the serpents and nothing else? Where did they possibly come from? How can fuel possibly last that long to travel light years away? Who built the temples? It couldn’t have been AI. Had to have been built by humans or bots. Wasn’t mother starting to disable in ep 1/2? She’s gone through so much trauma but she’s just fine now? Mother can turn into other kids to relieve campion, but she never uses that ability again? If this planet is similar to earth in terms of habitability- is it ONLY in the tropical zone? If they couldn’t land there bc of electromagnetic rays- why not land like 2 miles away? Instead of the polar opposite side of the planet which is clearly a bunch of rocks and random bursts of snow. How were there TWO traps that Paul built? We only saw one. How stupid are these people. Even believing in a powerful God- if they have advanced tech & their time is more future than ours - seems a bit dramatic to just be walking around and carrying that guy on a throne LOL

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