What was the weirdest coincidence you've experienced or witnessed?

Long story, this is concerning my mom but I do find it pretty interesting.

A couple of years ago, my mom (while doing a routine audit for a company she had applied to a few years earlier) discovered that an employee was stealing money from said company. Did some paperwork and the trail led to a woman who was hired over my mother for the position (she was hired because she had less experience, thus they could pay her less.)

Eventually went to trial, my mother had to testify against her in court. She embezzled close to 2 million dollars out of that company and was sentenced to a few years in jail.

Fast forward a few years later, my mom's God daughter gets engaged to some guy (they live one state over from us.) Fiancé tells the god daughter how his step-sister had all these lavish parties while he was growing up, no one knew how she (the mother) had all this money since she was a low level accountant. She'd always get the most expensive presents, clothes, etc. Fiancé then tells my mom's god daughter how she was eventually arrested and was charged with grand theft larceny (I believe.)

Obviously, everyone in my family knows about this story. My mom gets a phone call from her god daughter and tells her how this story her fiancé described to her sounded vaguely familiar. Turns out it's all the same woman!

The step dad and step daughter (he had divorced the woman) ended up at their engagement party. The daughter (maybe in her 20s) still lives with her mother. Step dad was too drunk and asked my parents (he knew about the connection) to drive her home, apparently she and the women my mom sent to jail live the town over from us now!

/r/AskWomen Thread