Sleepycast 20 Q & A Episode (leave your questions here)

  • When was the most recent/memorable fight that you each were involved in? Could be actual fighting or verbally dissed some kid so hard.
  • Since you've talked about your parents, how do your siblings react to what you do for a living? Do they make fun of you daily or monthly?
  • What does it take for sites like NewGrounds and Sleepycabin to garner as much attention as YouTube and drag the viewer base to their site? YouTube changing the way it is so that now instead of seeing your updates as a subscriber, I'm recommended Jimmy Fallon dancing with LE GEM NOSTALGIA. Personally when I go to a non-Youtube site, it's difficult for me to enjoy their content because the video player is fucked up, so as a noob viewer, how hard is it to have a video player that is as convenient as Youtube's?
  • WHAT IF - The year is 2020. SJW's have taken over the US of A. It's up to you SleepyCabin boys to take them down and their millions of followers. You each wake up in a Cabin in the middle of the woods, safe from all the internet trigger police and equipped with enough food/necessities. You can train your animation technique, strength and fighting technique, or public speaking and intelligence. If you can come up with the most creative (and entertaining for us listeners) way to defeat the enemy, you win. Your prize is either one wish from Shenron (this) but no matter what the wish you spend the rest of your life making memes and thinking they're funny, 24/7 access to all the babes in the world but once a day you have to deal with the nastiest shit from the ugliest person in the world. If Zach tries to loophole out of this scenario, he starts off in a Ugandan prison surrounded by horny and angry prisoners who took his racist jokes seriously. If his twisted logic is funny enough to justify his victory from this starting point then he can dictate everyone else's endings.
/r/Sleepycabin Thread