SMH article of the continuing investigation of the SASR

Interesting article; a lot of allegations indeed. I'm going to read this and type up as I go.

The thing that stood out at me was the guy who told Ben to back off the guy they were capturing. I'd love to hear the context behind the movement - had the last six guys they captured been wearing bomb vests or did they have concealed weapons, what was it like after these guys were captured, were they let go?

Fraudulently making up a report to make a kill clear too, that sounds extremely bad. My question is who has access to these reports other than the gents reading them?

The bullying thing; If it's actual legitimate bullying and not battle dwarf comments then what the fuck? I know a guy who was like 5'4, 70 kilos of pure muscle and he went harder than anyone I knew. Fucker lapped me on the BFA twice and I wasn't a bitch with cardio at the time.

Capping a hostage during training, my guess is that he was doing the same thing they do at my MMA gym or what my SGT did during the summative self-defence module we did where he was yelling at me to do the same thing to an unarmed guy; seeing if he could keep his head under pressure and if I was stupid enough to just instantly follow orders.

This poor Trooper J, honestly I just feel for the poor guy that worked that hard to get to the SASR and then be threatened with being sent to the fucking Hague, what a joke.

Maybe the cats lose perspective at some points, you work at the top for so damn long you begin to forget everyone else isn't as good and even the least fit, worst shot of the SASR is still leagues ahead of most others.

I read through the whole article and there's a whole load of shit i won't comment on mostly because I'm on my way to uni. If anyone has any other thoughts feel free to comment, this is

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