Social Dread Probs

Yep, me and my dreaded mates all get this, more so when not at home where there are tons of dreadheads. Such as when i go and visit family cross country. It makes me really angry too. The ones that don't ask are the worst, but right up there are the straight out 'Can i touch it?' as they've already got their grubby little mitts on my beautiful locs. grrrrr.... I've also considered having a t-shirt with,

Dreads... Yes, they're real. Yes, I do wash them, regularly. No, you can't touch them.

written on the back made up, just because i get sick of the same questions. Every single time. Don't get me wrong I'm always polite and humour people, but you just have to get used to it.

On the flip side, I have ended up talking to some amazing people because of my dreads, such as an older woman I met waiting for the (delayed) train the other week, she was an international teacher, and had lived all over the world, we went through the usual questions, and bog standard answers, then turned the conversation around to other things. she was just an amazing lovely lady with some wonderful stories, all because she said she liked my hair.

/r/dreads Thread