Son had a damaged tooth he had whitened. Is this new medications screwing up his teeth color? (More in comments)

Thank you for your response. I do plan on bringing him back to his cosmetic dentist (5 hour drive). His right front tooth had a root canal and associated bleach pellets to whiten. After sealing, there was mismatched color from his (flouroditis?)

I wish I could remember the newer treatment name. He made the discoloured areas abrasive with a micro abrasive tool. Then applied a resin coat that doesn’t allow the light to reflect/refract so as to change the stark difference between shades of white. It looked pretty good and anything was better than that one black tooth.

Bam. Today the white REALLY pops. I’m thinking the rest of the teeth changed color. The ONLY new thing is the adderall XR.

Can dry mouth change tooth color?

Anyways. I really appreciate the response. Thank you.

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