One of my back molars broke this morning. I’m so frustrated with my teeth. How to stop this from happening again?

Honey, don’t feel too bad. Don’t be embarrassed or feel guilty. Even with a perfect oral hygiene routine, genetics plays heavily into dental health and integrity. You and I both haven’t had the best routines. I’ve ALWAYS had bad teeth. Even from a young age, I’ve had cavities. Extractions, fillings, spacers, braces, retainers… After having kids, kids my teeth have literally started to crumble. It’s always soft food that does it. I grind my teeth constantly as well. I go next Thursday for my FIFTH root canal. Im 37 days post-filling with constant temperature and pressure sensitivity. I’ve needed a crown on my last RC for over a year, but ‘Rona and $$$… it’s just cracked clean in half. So I understand where you’re coming from, especially about dentures. I’m not sure what options I’ll have. It’s likely my teeth will continue to fragment. And I’m just 33.

/r/askdentists Thread