Sorted being inclusive

It’s really excellent of them to handle this situation the way they have. I don’t want this to be perceived as bigoted, and please don’t think I am, but I do have maquillaphobia, which is the fear of make up that distorts faces beyond what looks “natural” (whatever that even means, I don’t actually think “looking normal” is a thing, like uncanny valley type stuff), and I was really disheartened to see people being hateful and bigoted about this video.

I have autism and makeup can overstimulate me, so sometimes drag can honestly overstimulate me, but I do think it’s lovely that people express themselves through this art form even though sometimes it can make me feel anxious. I want everyone to express themselves in a way that feels genuine to them. I understand that my anxiety from these kinds of things is on me to own and manage. 100%. It’s a me thing, and if these two lovely ladies (I’m sorry if I’m not using correct terminology for people in drag here. I’m not trying to be ignorant, I want to be deeply respectful) came up to me to show me around savannah, I’d go full in on it. Just like the sorted team did. It looked like such a fun time.

So I guess I’m saying that as a person with autism and maquillaphobia that watches this video and says, “that looks like such a fun time, it’s really horrible to see hatred coming through about such a lovely and positive thing.

/r/SortedFood Thread Parent