[Spoilers] Dark Matter - S01E12 & S01E13 [Episode Discussion]

Just finished watching the whole 1st series and thoroughly enjoyed it!

As for the finale - I would never have guessed Six - of all people he is the "heart" of the group, the peacemaker, very empathic and protective. I was thinking Two for some reason. She was first on the scene and she pointed to one of the VK soldiers from the card in the Androids hand. I thought maybe Two planted that? You knew something didn't add up because we saw the Android say "hello" to whoever before getting tazed.

Some random observations/comments for discussion:

  • The series took a while to get going - I gave it the four-episode rule and it totally worked.

  • I like that it doesn't have the gritty edge of a show like "The Expanse" or BSG - it is a milder tone, kind of like Star Trek. I normally watch it while having dinner so I like to have something positive to watch so I don't get indigestion from watching heads getting blown off etc! I liked how Six gave Five a cold dose of reality in one episode and then apologized to her later - I like cheesy, heart-warming stuff like that. There is a time and place for gritty stuff like BSG and The Expanse but I think I'm all "grittied" out and want some positive Star Trek-like sci-fi for a change.

  • To my British ear I think I can tell Canadians from Americans from the way they pronounce the word "out" - the actors just say it in a slightly different way. Am I being cray-cray or does anyone know whay I mean?

  • As I understand it the writers were from Stargate SG1 - I've never seen SG1 or any of the other Stargate series except for Universe which I thought was fantastic.

  • Loved the Android getting jealous of the Aussie pleasure bot - her accents and unzipping her top a bit. One's reaction "No, just no." cracked me up.

  • I liked how in the finale the "reset" button is pressed on the whole group dynamics. Before the finale everyone was beginning to gel together and they had each others back (Three: "no one messes with my Android!" Five: "We're a family now") but we see them descend into distrust like in the first few episodes.

  • Would have liked them to give the Android a name rather than just Android - maybe "Anne" or something?

  • We don't know the extent of the Dark Matter universe - except there is the Galactic Authority (cf. The Federation) and the corporates (Mikke Combine etc) or indepedent states (Principality of Zairon etc) that take the place of protagonists (Romulans , Klingons etc). Is the setting the whole galaxy or just part of it? Are there sentient aliens in the universe? (it is mentioned briefly in one of the first episodes that the rumour is the Raza crew are vicious aliens or something). Not complaining about all this but we're in the "dark" (pun-intended) about a lot of this matter! Hopefully Season 2 will flesh out some of these questions a bit. I personally hope no aliens or maybe have them as a mysterious single race on the edge of known space somewhere. I don't want to see them break reality too much with rubber foreheads everywhere.

/r/DarkMatter Thread