People of the UK - what’s the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had?

Turned up for a university interview a month early.

A whole month.

One of the staff members came down and had a chat with me out of kindness. I was so nervous and flustered from fucking up I couldn't think of anything to ask her, so kept just asking really stupid generic things that made me look ridiculous.

The other time was when I told my driving instructor that I was worried about potentially having a panic attack on my driving test and asked if it would be possible if that happened to pull over safely for a bit, drink some water and then carry on after a minute or so. Instructor said this was absolutely fine and I should just explain to the test instructor that this was what I was doing, and as long as I did everything safely and fine there should be no issues.

Comes to the day of the test, I feel like I'm going to puke from nerves and very politely explain my strategy to the instructor and pull into a car park very safely and sensibly to take a few deep breaths, drink a little bit of water and carry on. Test instructor looks at me like I'm mental, says "test terminated", and then rings back to the centre so my driving instructor can then hitch a lift across the city to bring us home because apparently I can't "legally drive" once I've declared the test terminated (which I didn't). It took almost an hour for my driving instructor to get across town during which time I had to avoid crying and make polite small talk with the test instructor while dying inside.

/r/AskUK Thread