This statue of Robert E. Lee is still standing in Downtown Greenville by the cemetery. This isn’t “remembering our tragic history”; this is glorifying the traitorous Confederacy.

A good portion of these men were un educated and didn’t have a broad view of what the bureaucrats and statesmen wanted from the war. And at-least in my relatives case, it was a given that you had to fight on the war if you lived in the area. If you didn’t you were ostracized buy your community. Many fought under the notion that the north were invading to take the means of THEIR production which was their farms and how their families survived for over a 100 years. The bigots and racists were definitely a problem but many men who fought in the war for the South were doing so under the assumption us was to save their families homestead and their communities livelihood. These were people friendly to and considered family by, African Americans. Life isn’t do black and white( pardon the pun) like you’re saying. It’s impossible to say the impetus of every man fighting for the south was to keep African Americans enslaved. I’ve given you an example from my family. Actuality is very gray and murky territory, there are 100’s of different reasons men fought in that war and not every man wanted to see slavery live on.

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