Steam Deck - how to install MS Visual C++ runtime?

ok there are quite a few thoughts here im gonna number and try to address step by step.

  1. Before installing the run times, it might be easier to poke around the files and see whether or not theres an alternate exe to launch from, maybe one with "shipping" in its name. I know this may sound strange, but i had it happen with both stray and little nightamares, ill get the EXACT error, then launch with a different exe and bam, runs like a dream, similiarly, this also happened with scarlet nexus, and it was because it was on an SD and not my internal drive, so it seems like dependencies may not extend to external media.
  2. Wine tricks, to my knowledge, is within lutris. At the bottom, youll see play and next to it a wine glass clicking the up arrow and going to " wine tricks" should give you what you are looking for, though idk if you even need that.
  3. c++ runtimes don't have to be installed via winetricks, in fact, they are very commonly used dependencies for games. There are a few ways to install them, you can have lutris point them as an EXE, like you would a game, make sure they are installed in the prefix folder so future use you are good, or you can link them to steam, and then install them that way.
  4. To my knowledge, there are no games that ive ever heard of that would somehow break by having C++ runtimes on your system, they are basically ancillary code that unless called on, serves no purpose, so you shouldnt have any issues as far as it breaking anything, it just may not yield the immediate result you seek, runtime errors have been weird for me, but if you need any further help, you are more than welcome to send me a chat request, ill help the best i can.
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