Streamer Saturday Weekly Discussion

Hi guys,

you might already know me, I'm Dorgan.

I consider myself an educational streamer since I go into the details of my plays. I'm no lord of gimmicks, overreactions, salt or weird music. :-) Some people claimed my videos to be "some of the most informative [they]'ve seen" or to be "surprised by the quality of [the] content and how educational [the] stream is."

I'm active in all aspects of the game and would like to give you a brief summary about what you can expect from my content on stream and on YouTube.


  • I've been legend every season and I usually stream/record (most of) my climb every season as well.
  • I was Casual Free-to-Play Legend (top 250) in season 4. I started fresh with a new account and didn't disenchant any cards with less than two copies and reached legend within a month. I still have a golden Mana Wraith on this account!
  • In season 8, I streamed (and uploaded) the entire climb where I got from rank 16 to top 60 legend with a total playtime of less than 11 hours. I also managed to climb to the ~top 30 rather quickly in December and February.
  • Random ladder encounters with noticeable players (Xixo, MrYagut, Lothar, Thijs ...) are, of course, seperately available on the channel, and if they happened to be off stream, I started to do post commantary on these games recently. :)


  • Since the expansion hit, I'm averaging almost 10 wins per run with a winrate of almost 80% (9.6 / 78% atm). I don't expect to keep or even improve this high winrate on the long run but I will try my very best. :)
  • Due to popular demand, I recently did a detailed run with a lot of explanations. If you're interested in a 30-minute draft, feel free to start your journey here: Detailed Educational Arena. Feedback much appreciated.


  • Most noticably, I won the qualifiers of the SeatStory Cup II in October where I was defeated only once in 12 matches over two days (finished #1 in the qualifiers with almost 300 people and noticable participants like Numberguy, Lifecoach, FaKe, Theude, Dog, Ostkaka and many more). Whereas I would like to compete more, it seems like most big events (even the "qualifiers" for those events) at the moment are invitationals or on NA. Or even both. :(
  • I also upload footage of tournaments I attend (including games against Sjow, FrozenIce, FaKe, Mirrari, Theude, Thijs and Faramir).


My channel & stream

I already built a good community of YouTube subscribers (640+) and I would be glad if you would join it! I'm still trying to get a solid standing, so every following/subscription would help me with that. :-) New subscribers/followers are always welcome and I would also like to see a little bit more interaction on stream. If you're just interested in particular content, make sure to have a look at the playlists on YouTube and/or the title of the stream.

Since I upload recordings of my streams, you can easily watch at what you might get later. I'm currently publishing at least one video per day, so there should be enough for you to watch! :) I'm also open to suggestions and addressing questions on stream and for my videos, so if you miss something in the current streaming/video scene, feel free to propose your suggestions.

Still not convinced that I'm worth your time? I listed a few testimonial statements on my Twitch page, so feel free to check them out! :)

On a side note, I also do coachings. You can read infos and feedback about this here.


For all the rest, find me here:

I wish you all a nice and fun weekend! :)

/r/hearthstone Thread