can't everything that socialists want be done in a capitalist society?

Well if the means of production are shared quality than yeah. However why should the employee who cuts boxes and does janitor work make as much as the employee who formulates products and makes them? One job is way more valuable than the other. One is much less replaceable than the other. If they don't get voting power in the means of production and just get money from it there are still countless flaws and kinks to work out. That being said I wish everyone was paid their fair share, it just isn't always the case. Are companies that are co ops or give their employees stock technically kind of socialist by the actual definition? Ownership of stock is shared publicly, employees and customers can both easily buy into it, employees often get some stock as a bonus at some companies. BTW scandavian countries are not socialist economies they are "Market economies" just ask the nations leaders they've made fun of young Americans for thinking otherwise. It's shows extreme ignorance of knowledge and education on the subject.

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