Such an Awful Organization

Man if I had money I would totally look to start an organization and buy out this line-up. Especially Gamsu and Shiphtur have performed so well despite the overall team performance. I think what this line-up really need the most is a new clean slate. I've got nothing against Odee personally, he seems like a decent bloke, but it just seems like he can't get his finger out his ass.
Every team out there got proper support staff in place, even Team Fusion a newly-founded challenger team got a much better support staff in place (at least 2 in-house support-members, better than dig). Are you telling me that a supposedly well-established organization with over 10 years of experience in the business can't hire as good a support staff as a team like Gravity founded by a fucking 19 year old funded by his dads bags?! Riot is even paying you to fill in the position, and still the only support-staff you got for your arguably most important team is one life-coach?
Hell I know Mylixia is working his ass off, but the fuck he can't be a game-coach, life-coach, semi-analyst, in-house manager, sport-psychologist and mum at the same time can he? Especially not on a team with 3 new players in which two of them are koreans. Dignitas try to hire just ONE more support-member, you can afford that right? Have Mylixia do his job as life-coach and in-house manager. Hell, you could even let him help with picks and bans as he has shown he's no slouch at it. But you need a guy there who can talk tactics with the team, hold strategy meetings, sort out and discuss their different opinions on how the game is meant to be played. Someone who the players respect from a strategical point of view and can hold some authority within in-game discussions. Someone with the last word in strategical discussions. Maybe someone like LS (hi Gravity), Rapidstar or Maknoon who can speak both languages and I can imagine would fit well into such a role. Fucking LocoDoco turned into a good coach, have a go at any old veteran LCS player that's better than nothing!
If not korean-speakers there were plenty of candidates in EU. CW f.ex said they got a lot of high-quality applications that they turned down since they could only settle with one. Hey Odee/Mylixia maybe have a little chat with them ey? They even encouraged people to do so on their twitter!
But hell what do I know? You're saying on twitter that you got a proper support staff already, well alright then don't be shy, any names or twitter handles other than Mylixa you could name? And no, not some random over-the-seas analyst.
I'm just so frustrated with this cause this line-up have some very strong players and yet the team is treated like another old quick-cash track-horse. I'm so proud of the boys trying the best they can on their own, but Dig does them no fucking favors as an organization and that's a huge shame. They deserve better.

/r/DignitasLoL Thread