Suggestions for any good conservative thinkers to persuade me I'm wrong?

This really makes me happy to read this, not enough people read against what they believe. I see myself as conservative, more a centrist conservative which is closer to you than alot of conservatives. Here's a few thinkers you might enjoy

Benjamin Disraeli/one nation conservative - suggests that the rich have a paternal duty to look after the poor. They view the classical Liberal ideas as ones that will lead to the widening of gap between rich and poor which will inevitably lead to the rise of socialism and possibly revolution meaning the rich will be worse off in the long run.

Michael Oakshott - this guy suggests that Conservatism isn't an ideology like socialism/liberalism, it's more a way of living. By conserving what has worked in the past you are safer, securer and better off. The reason it is not an ideology is because of his emphasis on pragmatism, you should not stick to dogmatic ideology, the pragmatic conservative approach is the way forward.

I feel like these you could have sympathies for these thinkers, more than many others. If you have any thinkers from your perspective, I'd be interest to give them a read

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