Sunni bros what’s your thought on Jeddah ?!

Yea yea get in a fight, get stolen from while everybody’s drunk. Shootings happening at parties. Idk about Germany but here in America few will admit that the only reason crime is soo high is because we have a lenience towards this kind of culture. I met a African American New Yorker that gave me a ride ounce he moved out to my state because he was getting away from all the crime from his home. ounce he said that he believes the reason they’res soo much violence and crime and evil in his home town is the music culture. And you see it the police say in statements that they’re is currently a gang culture in music bringing up crime it’s not even music anymore. Now especially when you combine music fornication and drugs all in one spot everyone acting like a animal then when you give a bunch of animals guns you bet it’s a recipe for disaster. they’re are good people here that don’t go to party’s and are aware that kids wanna have fun but it’s bad and everyone knows it that’s why the grownups always warn kids about parties. But they’re are more civil parties the rich go to but when you open way for little fun that’s when it can spread all over and not everyone is responsible people. Not everyone knows or cares about drinking responsibly. Not everyone forgives if someone fucks they’re girlfriend. You can say oh I can handle it yayayaya but can EVERYONE handle it? No that’s why when the government legalized alcohol they said they only did it because people where doing it anyways. Because the government sees the statistics they knew what these things would do. They’re theory was if they legalize it they’ll be less crime but they where wrong crime only went up. It’s because we just arnt tough enough on crime. You think prison is a punishment? Shit nobody says it but these criminals want to go to prison and be a badass in prison. If nobody cares about the punishment of the crime then maybe it isn’t true justice. That was a bit of a rant that went little off topic but I think it all connects together. My main point is this culture the west defends soo much is a culture of crime.

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