Thoughts on Interfaith Marriages and Relationships?

“In early Christianity, the Church of the East, in the Council of Seleucia-Ctesiphon in AD 410, ruled that "Christian women should not marry across religious boundaries" though it allowed for Christian men to marry "women of all nations" (neshē men kul 'ammin) in order that Christian men would "instruct them in the ways of Christianity."[11] The cultural context at the time was that a couple's children would follow the religion of the father.[12]”

“In the Presbyterian Church (USA), the local church congregation is tasked with supporting and including the interfaith couple in the life of the Church, "help[ing] parents make and live by commitments about the spiritual nurture of their children", and being inclusive of the children of the interfaith couple.[7] The pastor is to be available to help and counsel the interfaith couple in their life journey.[7]”

It does say that there are church denominations like the Presbyterians, Episcopal or Anglican and it’s the congregation to support and incorporate them into the community. Other church’s like the Eastern Orthodox ones only allow Christian men to marry who they want. Others allow both. But Generally the idea of marrying male or females out of faith is supported by 1 Corinthians 7:14–15, verses with Saint Paul.

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