156 words Am I the only one who's glad this sub exists and I can have interactions with people I would otherwise never converse with 207 words Thoughts on Khomeini and Iran proven with facts and evidence to gassing Halabja and genociding the Iraqi Kurds and the USA government only changing the story, despite no new information to incriminate Iraq to this day, because of the Gulf War? 117 words Moroccan VS Iranian architecture: Choose one! 476 words Any thoughts on Iran's "exiled Crown Prince" Reza Pahlavi going to visit Israel and being so public about it? What do you think it's all about? 114 words "War crimes tribunal going after Putin, but ignoring bigger war criminals?". A "just saying" Video from South China Morning Post addresed to Bush and his administrations, thoughts? 205 words Thoughts on Interfaith Marriages and Relationships? 117 words Thoughts on Iranians celeberating the Islamic Revolution and replacement of Khomeini over Shah Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi? 358 words Thoughts about this blackwashing? 125 words Apartheid: Made in South Africa, perfected in Israel. 208 words Do you consider Ashkenazi Jews as MENA diaspora? 152 words Which language would you like to see Duolingo add next? 128 words Do you think War is beneficial? 212 words why do you think turks are so angry that their their government has congratulated Morocco's victory? 155 words Thoughts on this propaganda poster? 176 words Let's talk about Jews and Israel! 139 words I mean Russia definitely is, but it seems that monsieur Macron forgot his own history, what do you think guys? 203 words Anyone else noticing a more open, shameless rise in Orientalism and racism and prejudice with the World Cup actually starting? True colors are really showing of what they think of MENA people 165 words Thoughts on r/exmuslim ? 242 words Thoughts on Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? What could Israel have done differently, and what are they doing wrong today? (I will make a separate thread for Palestine tomorrow) 156 words Thoughts on this video?