Sync for reddit 10.7.34 is going live now on Google Play

+1 on Google Nexus 6 / Android 6.0

Clicking on any URL that opens Externally will cause a FC

Expected: Opening external links should load in the default system application.

Experienced: Every URL that would open externally (ie not imgur) results in the application force closing with a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI exception.

1. Open RedditSync
2. On the front page, locate a post that contains a link to an external URL
3. Click on that URL from the front page.
4. Observe the Crash.

Crash Dump:

02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: IntentService[UpdateFetcherService]
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 22394
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URI content://downloads/my_downloads
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.content.ContentResolver.update(
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-08 00:31:58.974 22394 22410 E AndroidRuntime:    at    

Video of Crashes:

Additonal Info:
This also happens if you click on Licenses in the Other page from the settings.

Full crash dump / System bug report available upon request from private message (as it contains sensitive information)

/r/redditsync Thread Parent