Taliyah mains, sell Taliyah to me.

For me, Taliyah brings certain interesting things to a game. She has a passive that allows you to very easily catch up on a fleeing kill or easily get back to lane or quickly traverse the jungle with it, not to mention the benefits it brings to simply roaming if you don't have your ultimate.

While her q does have a intentional drawback on it (worked ground), this causes it to not be absolutely broken, which it would be without worked ground. Q has a low cool down and does A LOT of damage especially if you can land all 5 stone on an enemy but even if minions are in your way her q does 50% extra damage to minions so even if they are blocking an enemy you still will probably land a few stones on your enemy because it kills minions so fast and effectively. It feels and works like a Lucian ult but is more satisfying to me, especially once you get rylais for the slow.

Her w is used more for utility than damage but can save teammates or completely burst down an enemy if used with her e. Generally that combo is what I use it mostly for. Don't get wrong it isn't an easy spell to get used to (took me like 20 games to get the hang of it), but it is beyond rewarding once you learn to use it effectively.

Her e has initial damage on cast, which can easily snag you a low heath kill but I usually use it with my w and into my q for maximum damage out put. I guess this one would be a little harder to sell but but the really good things of the ability on its own is the slow, cutting off enemies or paths, damaging anyone who dashes (yay a mage who can counter assasins) and obviously the damage it does on cast and when it breaks. Sometimes when someone is at max range you cast e first (okay bear with me I just went out and smoked) lay down your w and completely catch them off guard, lead that into your q (short cooldown, spammable if you keep moving) combined with the continued slow from her w as they have run out. People actually can't escape her very often underestimate her.

Her r is what makes this kit incredibly fun and sometimes troll (to both teams) and you can roam so well combined with passive or even teleport. This ult is incredibly fun. You get to your destination very quickly, often getting their before they can escape or forcing a few flashes, allowing you to pick up some freelo bot lane. And come on, you're a earth bender and throw rocks at people's face! How could that not be badass. Taliyah rules.

But do not get me started on Zyra.

/r/TaliyahMains Thread