Retail/service workers of reddit, what's the best instant karma you've seen happen to a rude customer?

If you wont take the karma then I will.

"I work at a retail store for a major telecom provider.

I had a customer come in a purchase a pay-as-you-go phone and $100 top up balance one night (I don't make any commission on paygo phones and they're a pain in the ass for the most part). That day we had been experiencing some network issues which was causing a delay between me setting up the device on the network and the phone actually activating. The customer was in a bit of a rush so I made sure everything went smoothly and that I properly explained the issue we were having so any issues wouldn't freak him out. He told me he understood and that he would let us know if he had any further issues.

I get a phone call 2 hours later from the same guy yelling at me that his phone was broken. Apparently he had took it into his local store and they told him the phone was defective and whoever sold it to him was an idiot because it should of never left the store. This not being my first rodeo, I kindly reminded the customer on our conversation about the delay and suggested he pull the battery and restart the phone to solve the issue. He replied with a few choice cusswords and told me he was going to get me fired for the inconvenience then hung up.

The next day while I was filing some paperwork I was startled with a "HEY! YEA, REMEMBER ME?" And I looked up to see the same customer in the store stomping over to my counter with his phone and paperwork. As he started ranting and raving about how much trouble I was in I took the battery out of his phone and restarted it, fixing the problem.

Me: "There you go, problem fixed."

Him: "What? How did you do that?"

Me: "Remember when I told you to pull the battery to fix the issue? That's all I did."

Him: "Well I shouldn't of had to drive all the way down here to fix that!"

Me: "You didn't, I told you on the phone what to do."

As soon as I said that the customer completely shut down, mumbled a goodbye and wakes out. The kicker was that he lived an hour away so he drove a 2 hour round trip for me to do a simple battery pull.

As for the other store, I found out what rep had gone on about how much of an idiot I was for selling a "defective" phone and contacted their manager who I just so happened to be friends with. Rep got a 3rd and final written warning as was fired soon after for repeatedly shit-talking his co-workers. Good riddance. "

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