A little question about Taliyah

You can actually play her anywhere, pretty fitting lore-wise since she is a nomad and such.

Okay, maybe not really anywhere. I'd say top is the least optimal since you have less roaming potential. Jungle is the easiest, you'll just have to deal with shitty clear until level 3 and after that it's smooth sailing. She's good for level 2 ganks so that's nice too. Always level up W second because it's the most useful, can save you from invades, etc. She has no really bad matchups other than Warwick maybe.

Mid is a bit harder because you have to manage your mana better and you have to deal with assasins and the usual midlane mage bullshit. If you're not that good at her don't pick her into assasins, but once you learn how to position you'll do fine. Only one I ban is Zed, because I'll either feed him or my team will. Other assasins never really gave me trouble once I started to respect their damage and play accordingly.

Now botlane Tali... I'm a terrible ADC so the one time I tried going APC with her I just got destroyed lol.

However support is another story, it's actually pretty great. If their support isn't something really tanky, like a Janna or a Soraka, you pretty much win lane. You'll force them to go behind minions and remember you have E and W too, so basically you're an ADC's nightmare. I wouldn't say it's as broken as Brand or Zyra but it's up there. Also expect your ADC to flame you/dodge if you lock her in lol.

/r/TaliyahMains Thread