TD, Can we stop getting Lumopolis Church of Light Aurorians please?

I was responding to this before having played through all the story from the new event--and I have to say, now that I HAVE, I think this post is even goofier than I first thought.

Do you really think Florine and Erica were being any dumber than...Rouge or Ruby? Do you really think "I'm going to attack this suspicious self-learning overseer AI that goes against my entire faith, which warns of the apocalyptic potential of mysterious ancient technology" is any dumber than "I'm going to take whatever relics I can find, knowing that it's gonna piss off the army of droids in this city, because relics don't belong to anyone"? Do you feel better about the Rediesel Wrench duo because they did their thieving off screen, or because you thought nobody had any reason to be suspicious of the clearly suspicious Butler controlling the weird underground city?

When you criticize TD for putting out more Church of Lumopolis figures and not Dawn Academy characters--did you catch that Florine and Erica *are* Dawn Academy characters? They were on the Dawn Academy student council together? As far as I can tell, Erica is basically still a child. You realize that the Church of Light isn't an independent organization within Lumopolis, it's just what Lumo folks are part of by default?

When you complain that the Navi changing their minds quickly shows how stupid they are--you realize that the Navigator is basically Jesus? That nobody's really had a reason to believe in benevolent AI, or in AI parents that some scared kids are heavily bonded to? That the reason Navi changes their minds so quickly is because his life is proof positive that their beliefs are mistaken--and then they actually do change their beliefs? That in this clearly post-apocalyptic post-future tech setting, there's good reason to be suspicious of mysteriously powerful technology? Suspicions that are quickly borne out by the rest of the story?

Look, you can hate what you wanna hate, there's plenty of reason to dislike dogmatically religious folks. If what Hedy said (which I think you exaggerated tbh, but that doesn't matter) really soured you, all fine. You don't have to like Lumopolis, or the Church of Light, or any of those characters. But the way you're describing the story just seems real goofy.

/r/AlchemyStarsEN Thread