Remember "Airplane ears"? His name is Zorba, he has behavioral issues due to abandonment and bad shelter experience, I adopted him. He's coming home today. More in the comments.

I have a lot of experience with fostering ferals... Give it space. As much as possible. Of course make sure it's satiated and feeling well, but literally pretend it's a ghost thats hovering around your house. Don't make eye contact with it or anything until it makes the first approach to a human. Im not sure your experience with rescue cats but in this window you really have to be careful or the cat will very likely take to not liking you. And it is very much so harder to get a cat to un-dislike you than to at the very least tolerate your presence. Given it's already lashed out at you, the sooner you give it absolute space at your place the better.

Thankfully it's not showing aggression to other cats though. That's the real hard part to shake out of them. That's just years of socialization that we can't really change to the extent of the cat lightening up to a human that gives it the yummy food, etc.

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