Man shot dead by police in front of woman and child during traffic stop in Minnesota

I will use the opposite.

should criminals be held to a different standard? they are humans . we should not lock up and put away the humans who kill other humans. they do not even get paid to murder how can we expect to treat criminals like they are lower than ourselves and lock them up they are human!

we hold doctors to a higher standard. we hold nurses to a higher standard. we hold lawyers to a higher standard. we hold teachers to a higher standard. we expect fire fighters to be more friendly and they risk their lives. we hold emts to a higher standard and they have to deal with people having adverse drug reactions. EMTs have not killed anyone with guns.

Why should we not also hold police to a higher standard?

I can walk up to any nurse and ask a question and i will get a polite answer. i cannot walk up to any cop without being interrogated first.

however you are correct. police departments are woefully under funded. people like paying minnimal taxes and so police forces must pay very little and it is attracting the people who cannot find higher paying jobs. so i definatly agree we need to raise taxes and properly fund our police forces so they can take the time to be more calm and relaxed when dealing with a stressful situation or any situation for that matter.

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