Terrorist Tells You The Proper Way To Make A 9/11 Joke

Where I'm from in Canada there's a small city outside of Toronto called "Brampton" which is known to be full of Indians. One time I as checking the census income statistics and Hindu's were ranked #1 in terms of income, followed by Jewish, Athiest, and Christians.

Most of the indian immigrants to Canada (and probably the US) are from the higher caste.

Plus every Indian I've met in Canada, which is often, has been super friendly and smart, with a great grasp of english. I have absolutely no problem with them immigrating to Canada.

I've seen stats where 90% of the gun-related homicides in Toronto have been from people of Somali or Jamacian descent.

It's politically incorrect to distinguish people by their natonality but I believe it's stupid to ignore stats like this.

Not all brown or muslim people are bad for society. And that's backed up by plenty of stats in the US which show many immigrant neighbourhoods ajacent to african-American neighbourhoods in the US are some of the sagest. Ghettos which turn into immigrant havens end up being safer.

This whole idea that immigrants are dangerous criminals is the most bullshit thing Trump spouts (and I'm hardly a Trump hater, I hate Clinton more but ignoring Trump's flaws makes you even dumber).

/r/opieandanthony Thread Parent Link - thedailybeast.com