Any theories as to why Nick DiPaolo wasn't invited to the Tough Crowd secret show at Skankfest. He was the best part of Tough Crowd.

Colin intentionally excluded him. Nick’s got a new podcast to promote. You get more attention through exclusion than inclusion. If Pete Rose wasn’t banned, he’d be just another forgotten Hall of Famer that waved to inattentive fans once a year on Old Timer’s Day. So Colin told a woman to contact Nick because he knew that she’d fuck it up. And sure as shit she fucked it up, thereby giving Colin plausible deniability. And now Nick’s fans can be outraged at a bitter spiteful incompetent woman. Colin gave Nick free promotion and a cause he wouldn’t have had if he’d shown up. Be sure to buy the Rich Vos roast. $5 to rent, $10 to buy.

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