Testimony of a Serb with migrants heading towards Western Europe

This has to be the biggest crock of shit I've ever read. Your argument is riddled with logical fallacies and rhetoric.

Which logical fallacies? and what's wrong with rhetoric? Lol there's nothing wrong with persuasion. Isn't that's the point of a debate?

You put up strawman arguments like WELL JUST YOU TELL ME WHY WE SHOULD ACCEPT THESE PEOPLE EN MASSE!1!1! despite the fact that nobody mentioned unregulated immigration.

I say that generally. My point is Europe doesn't have to accept anyone on mass.

to defame and disgrace a people

I'm not doing. They do it themselves.

Afghanistan is a socially regressive country. Its culture is highly misogynistic, and bachabazi and physical abuse of women is widespread. I already posted the articles to verify this.

this illusion that you left earlier makes you more civilised

I didn't leave early. I was born in the West. My family did endure war. Two uncles were killed under the communist regime and my father was tortured. Despite all this, they are Mohammadzays from Kabul. They were civilized and they were cultured.

If you're looking for stats. I don't have any on Afghans but I do on people who are more or less culturally closer.

The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ) has concluded more than once that immigrants, especially muslim immigrants, are insanely overrepresented in the rape statistics. For violent crimes, such as rape, assault and murder, immigrants are 300-400% overrepresented. This same study proved that this difference remained even when taking socio-economical factors into consideration. https://www.bra.se/download/18.cba82f7130f475a2f1800012697/2005_17_brottslighet_bland_personer_fodda_sverige_och_utlandet.pdf http://www.dn.se/debatt/kulturarv-ligger-bakom-invandrarnas-brottslighet/ Unfortunately BRÅ stopped keeping detailed statistics about the origin of the criminals (gee wonder why), but during the late 80s they still kept statistics like that. Numbers show the amount of people per 1000 who got registered for a crime. Rape Sweden: 0,2 Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia: 4,6 Jordan, Palestine, Syria: 1,9 Iraq: 4,0 Iran: 2,0 Romania, Bulgaria: 3,6 "The rest of Africa, excluding Uganda": 3,3 In contrast, people from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China commit so few rapes that they don't even show up in the statistics. Very few western countries cross 1,0. http://www.pdf-archive.com/2011/05/08/br-1996-2-invandrares-och-invandrares-barns-brottslighet-1/br-1996-2-invandrares-och-invandrares-barns-brottslighet-1.pdf Page 55/64. Obviously the only logical conclusion is that rape victims and facts are racist as f*ck.

http://i.gyazo.com/e6ef6fd113feac80d7a86c432d85a483.png This is from the Swedish crime prevention bureau, a report from 1996 shows that migrants from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia are overrepresentated by 22 compared too Swedes regarding rapes.

Asians and Pakistanis are disproportionately involved in street grooming

/r/Afghan Thread Parent