Thanks Reddit for making me feel stupid for buying the game, like it's about to go f2p and = dead even though I can find instant matches

and that hurts.

You know what also hurts? Reading forums, having people say things are amazing and then you get the game and it is a train wreck. This isn't as bad with LawBreakers, as the community issues are not even that big of a deal unless you play a lot/are skilled (I usually have to wait a while for a match, but I imagine if you're low skilled/in the average it's instant), but the people on Fortnite want the same thing.

Now, Fortnite is also fun, but it is a game with a horrible progression system and tons of terrible mechanics. I won't get into it, but people act like saying anything bad is going to hurt the game and it is awful to do that. Heck, the Nintendo community is so defensive of Splatoon 2 that they actually defend Salmon Run being limited access and the Switch app being a good idea.

they will see all the negativity and push it away as an overwatch rip off

Especially since there is a fair bit of positivity in regards to LawBreakers. I mean, it has a 77 Metacritic average, good user scores and more. It's just that SBMM is bad for the same people that tend to be Reddit users and the low population is also a problem, especially for people on the high end of skill.

You're right it's not our job

In the end, the community should project the right image and I think they do a great job. Through all the negativity, a lot of people are having fun, they're just having less fun because of X, Y and Z.

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