THC giving anxiety

I've not had opiate issues: just general trust/anxiety/insomnia genera miserable. I found after receiving my Medical marijuan card from the state. That I do feel better and am tying a strain that is 10% CBD and 5% THC. I is very good for me. Old school: until I got the OK from the state the last time I smoked any marijuana was in the lae 80's early 90's about 20 yeara ago. iwanted relaxation to be effecitive because I spent a good some of money, although less than $200. Fair enough. There are no dispensaries open and you could get a card an the authorites accepted this was medical use. Thereby not tormenting "Johnny smokes one spliff 2 x per day,k harmless guy) When you are doing it pucblic or are to far gone to be responsible are hurting us folks who are mostly sitting at home but no doing positive tasks around the house and in the social environment. I think 20% CBD: 12%-14" THC for my next move to as functional as possible. I normally make "A"'s in my class subjects as long as they are interesting and taught by orgized instructors.

I may not use Cannibis again for a long time (6 weeks) but the memories that there is something out there that can help me in the direst of time I have that: legal "Qualified Patient" card. And the recommendation for from the doctor. I did pay $150 for they "Skype like" software visit. He had seen my chart of last 20 months [my medical record] and i quite impressed with what medical marijuana does for people. I was given by a friends friend who understood that a sale was worth it. [ie I was legal to sell to, but they were illegal to sell; a a good reason to hasten the startup of dispensaries. I'd be happier getting I straight from the state being supported by this store and the taxes the generate. Plus the state collects fees for all sorts of permits to do specific things to operate farm. But the law in my state doesn't investigate where I obtained it. If it is only 1/8 ounce of a mix of two low THC % and about twice as much CBD %. This works good but the doctor prescribing mentioned 1:1 ratio in percent of each component . I'd like to try 10% CBD and 10$ TCH, what my original doctor recommened in y case. Instead (glad I got something, TY!)...I got 10% CBD and 5% THC.

Byt the way, what is the proper "goes first" in this ratio business. I sometimes get confuled. if 2x THC % were in where just x CBD,, The qustion I humby ask to the great redditors: is he ratio 2:1 thc:cbd meaning for every two tch percent there is one cbd percent.

OR is it the common use the other way 2:1 could justifiably qualified on the revere order of the compounds (unless specified, which more and more they are Not. in this case the one I prefer as an newcomer no more.'

I hope that analysis of a certain strain has 2:1 that it is automatically assured the CBD percent is twice that of the THC content. (e.g. 10$ CBD and 5% THC) that is a therapeutic.I have hopes this the assumed ratio. If it is the other scale I can adjust that scale..

Question what does a ratio stand for 2 to1 CNB/THC percent or the inverse 2 to1 stands for 2x the percentage. I"m new I'd like to know. Thank you

We need various kinds with lower THC than CBD, and previous unknown [on knowable] terpines, etc. The old school type weed. From the 80's. I hits the spot.

/r/medicalmarijuana Thread