Is there a subreddit like /r/askhistorians that's not modded by egotistical little-Hitler jackholes? You know, one with actual content and open discussion instead of [removed] and stock mod responses.

Just one that doesn't [remove] every single post.
Flag a reply as unsubstantiated, incorrect, deceptive, unsourced, or just plain bullshit, that's great, but it'd be nice to see just what it was that was removed so we know just what it is that's unsubstantiated, incorrect, deceptive, unsourced, or just plain bullshit.
Basically that sub but with competent, professional moderation and open discussion rather than overwhelming use of the LOLNOPEHAMMER.
As I said to the mods there (and got banned by some egotistical prick for simply saying), I started visiting the sub because I wanted to learn and challenge any preconceived notions I might have had about historical events and causes, to discover what's not true as well as what is.
I, indeed anyone, can't do that if everything that's not true is [removed]. Seems like it would be better flagged accordingly and left so that visitors can actually learn. All [removed] does is turn off the people who'd likely most need to learn from the errors.

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