US medic gives first aid to a wounded German SS soldier, France 1944 [736x557]

You are in fact correct about the quote, one of the world’s top quotation experts, Fred R. Shapiro editor of the Yale Book of Quotations (YBQ) says:

"... an important biographer of Gandhi, Louis Fischer, used a version of the expression when he wrote about Gandhi’s approach to conflict. However, Fischer did not attribute the saying to Gandhi in his description of the leader’s life. Instead, Fischer used the expression himself as part of his explanation of Gandhi’s philosophy. QI thinks some readers may have been confused and may have decided to directly attribute the saying to Gandhi based on a misreading of Fischer’s works."

Nevertheless, it is still a great insight. Perhaps someday you will understand it too. Luckily at least Allies' leaders understood it when dealing with former SS-soldiers after the war.

Did you know that former Estonian SS-men guarded the external perimeter of the Nuremberg International Tribunal courthouse and the various depots and residences of US officers and prosecutors connected with the trial?

The Nuremberg tribunal ruled that the 30,000 Estonians who had served in the Baltic Legions were conscripts, not volunteers, and defined them as freedom fighters protecting their homelands from a Soviet occupation and as such they were not true members of the criminal Waffen SS.

As you can see, world isn't so black and white as you think.

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