These no names wanna hack and heart glitch? Bring it on. I won't be behind for long. They're going. Down. I've spent $15 bucks already and I will spend more. Remember guys, being legit makes the game better for all. We are better than them. Cheaters never win!

Ok kid, it's clear you have some serious issues with reading and being coherent. It's ok to be autistic or to have Aspergers. It might explain all the headaches you get from reading and your trouble following along. If you want to refute everything point to point, I'll happily oblige.

-I'm going to have to assume that because you seem to be grasping at straws when it comes to grammar and syntax, that you are either a child, a non-native speaker, or uneducated. English is a beautiful language and something about it that is not unique is that a word can have multiple definitions. You obviously missed the pronoun I used between put and down which negates nearly your entire argument. I promise you, reading is not that hard. Regardless, put down can be used in lieu of "to make effective."

-I'm not defending hackers, I'm saying that loopholes are for use by all whereas buying gems is only for people with money to spare. Your description of hackers is a perfect example of how it a spender appears to a non-spender.

-It encourages more of a challenge by having whoever spends the most money win most of the time? If you think that is a fun challenge why not light a fire with your friends and whomever throws the most money into the fire wins. It will be fair and competitive. Was that little spiel about intelligence what they told you? I'm not a psychologist so I don't need you to Google something to refute this point but the basics remain the same. Intelligence is more or less you capacity for logic, knowledge, abstract thought etc. This can't really be improved upon. Someone who is less intelligent can be smarter than a more intelligent person through effort, but not become more intelligent. He can become smarter, but imagine if the more intelligent person could just his way into being smarter and work towards being smarter. He will be forever ahead of the less intelligent.

-I'm sorry, but from the inception of video games until recently, once you bought the game, that was it. So they weren't making money until they decided to handicap the game into letting you buy your way to victory? Nintendo is against pay to win so clearly they can't be making a profit? I mean come on...

-If it takes only dedication and effort, why do you spend money?

-"Again, this is putting down you." Thanks for the lesson on capitalism Ayn Rand but it's pretty irrelevant to the sentence. I said second to last sentence. Since you have issues with math, that likely stem from your issues with logic, I'll help you out. To find the second to last sentence you go to the last sentence and count backwards by one. You clearly couldn't handle that much, hence the capitalism rant.

You definitely need to work on the closing argument. Just because you say I'm pointing out my own flaws doesn't make it true. It's obvious we have differing opinions about pay to win, but the way you cherry pick and ignore my argument for your tangential rant, coupled with a few feeble attempts where you try to nitpick my grammar and even used my phrases against me is just laughable. We may not see eye to eye on pay to win buy I'm unanimously the victor when it comes to debating, reading, or English.

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