Thinking of leaving cantourage…

Zerenia for sure. They're a breeze to deal with and you can really tell that they put all their effort into patient care. They also give you a free T21 membership for some flower to be accessed for cheaper, and all the new Khiron products (Some of which are non irradiated) have a £1.50/Gram discount. They are otherwise happy to prescribe more or less anything, to whatever pharmacy you like. IPS Is their primary partner however.

I've sent a few people in their direction recently. One redditor earlier today registered on the website and got a call back 5 minutes later to get the ball rolling.

That's not even just sales tactics either. As an existing patient for just over a year now after switching from another clinic they have always been on the ball and bent over backwards to help me out.

Some of their doctors are the same as the consultants that Cantourage have. But they are in no way connected clinics. Speaking from experience, this was the case when I moved, and I actually found the same doctor from my old clinic to be much nicer when meeting under Zerenia as they weren't so pushed for time, or to prescribe specific brands to specific pharmacies.

If you register with them before the year ends, there is a half price switching offer too. £40 and that includes your first appointment and script. £45 for quarterly appointments thereafter and £15 Repeats.

/r/ukmedicalcannabis Thread