Tips & Tricks

Taking Care Of Your Pokemons

What actions cause my Pokemon to lose hitpoints / faint

  • Your Pokemon are only damaged when you take part in Gym fights at an enemy team's gym, Or doing training at a friendly Gym.

  • Your Pokemon will faint if you lose them when fighting an enemy gym (requiring you to revive them).

  • You Pokemon will only go down to 1 health if you do training with them (so they can just be healed)

Healing your Pokemon

Pokemon do not heal naturally over time , which is a shame, but they also only take damage when you do a Gym battle. But below are the ways i have found to heal them.

There are 3 ways to heal your Pokemon:

  • Using a heal (purple) potion from your items
  • Powering up your Pokemon (Will restore 1 hp each time - yay!)
  • Evolving your Pokemon restores it to the full health of the next level Pokemon

Reviving your Pokemon

  • Your options once a Pokemon has been killed is to either turn them into 1 candy of their type, or heal / revive / evolve them if you want to continue to use them.

There are 2 ways i've found to revive your Pokemon

  • Using the revive (yellow) potion from your items - restores Pokemon to half health
  • Evolving your Pokemon - revives and gives them full health

How do i get healing / revive potions?

  • You get these potions as rewards from pokestops. Its random chance whether you get pokeballs, potions or a mix of both.

  • The items you get from a pokestop are based on your level, so you will only start getting potions once you get above level 5.

  • You also get some when you level up at certain levels, but that takes time obviously.

/r/mysticmke Thread