Too poor for a bigger cuirass. Commission by Sam Luu

Than she should buy cheaper and proper armor.
If I hit her in this Cuirass the weapon easily could slide down and hit her unprotected stomach.
One way to save some money could be giving up on does Bronze/Brass edges. That she have on Cuirass plate and bracelets.

Also her two handed sword is also rather expensive equipment. If we use D&D 3.5 for some context. Great swords are 50 gold pieces, one of the most expensive melee weapon available. Even Bastard Sword The 1.5 half handed weapon is 35 Gold pieces. For 50 Gold Pieces you can have Scale/Lamenar Armor
That for the price of her sword. Than she can spend money she used for that "Cheap" armor to buy weapon. Like Combination of Morningstar + Heavy Wooden Shield for total of 15 Gold Pieces.
Studded leather armor is 25 Gold Pieces.

In short: Someone scammed your girl. Probably will wait for her inevitable demise in goblin lair. Then go retrieve his merchandise and sell to the next poor and clueless farm boy/girl that wish to be "Adventurer". :P

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