I'd like your opinions on something I'd written just now on the digimon Magnamon.

I disagree, and I find the fact you wouldn't name a child something "foreign" just because it is "foreign" (even though your name etymologically is probably "foreign" too) is stupid.

Why would I name my kid something that no one around him could pronounce and will only get him made fun of or frustrated? I'm not against other cultures, but please explain to my why choosing to give my kid a name from a culture he will likely be part of for at least his childhood is stupider than naming him from one that they wouldn't be? Are you going to give your child a german, chinese, japanese, or korean name? No? Well then you too are stupid.

Beelzebumon's attack in the Digimon Tamers series starts out with him carving out a flip-pentagram in the air before it strikes. I reflect on the fact there are people who would be like "Oh my gosh, he's drawing a flip-pentagram in the air! Think of the children!"

Most people don't give two shits about fictional symbols. The people that do make a big deal out of that are usually seen as stupid or crazy. Most people don't even react. "Oh, a magic circle in anime". Most people aren't going to say "think of the children" or "that's so fucking cool", most people probably wouldn't say anything.

what do you think of the fact the attack is called Extreme Jihad

It makes sense in context. You took it out of context. No where in your original post do you explain that he is a holy warrior or what he does.

From the wiki:

Magnamon X is a Holy Knight Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody whose name is derived from "Magna" (Lat: Great). One of the "Royal Knights", it digivolved through the power of the Digi-Egg of Miracles.

Consider this: Japan, and the world over (pretty much), has permanently blacklisted "Electric Soldier Porygon" because it seems to -- and evidently does to masses of people -- trigger epileptic seizures. Were they wrong to retroactively react to that?

Obviously not, because that is a clear health risk. That is why shows and games have warnings for extreme flashing lights now, which they did not back then. A clear and proven health risk is very different possibly offending people with your word choice. All your "Consider this" are stupid, off topic and just deflecting to unrelated issues.

Consider this: You took things out of context and tried to make an issue out of them.

/r/anime Thread Link - seishin17.blogspot.com