
Yes the joke absolutely is at the expense of women. Y’all can walk around with your boners all day, making crude comments about how random women make your pp feel, making amirite jokes to your fellow perverted pals but at the end of the day who is the one who has to deal with your obvious objectification of women? You get to go home at the end of the day and go “my bad” and forget about it, but it’s women who are being excluded from conversations because one or more of the men in the group has such a porn sick brain that they can’t even hold a normal conversation with a woman, were the ones dealing with neckbeards peering over our shoulders when they think that we’re not noticing, men are out here regularly making women feel unsafe and uncomfortable because y’all can’t for one second just see us as a human rather than some sex thing made for your pleasure.

I mean haha goth woman hot my pp want hard she goth I think sexy oh look at pp she say something? No I want hard pp.

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