So I translated a humorous meme that's recently viral in the polish internet. Hope you guys will like it :)

It's true and sad... (opinion) 1939 - England? nope... France? nope... USA? nope... (fact) Germany & Russia vs Poland - 2 countries that always betrayed Poland (facts from history)... So which country supported Poland? All those alliances and no one supported Poland? There was someone... Hungary! They sent weapons, ammunition etc to Poland! To help Poland! They also helped every pole who was leaving Poland. They even opened schools just for poles. In Poland and Hungary, there's a proverb saying: "Pole and Hungarian, two good friends/Pole and Hungarian cousins be". Hungary & Poland always together since XI/XII century. And now look at situation in Europe. So many immigrants (fact, not opinion). France/uk/sweden/germany/... - they all have so many muslims in their countries (yes, muslims it's a fact)... what those all countries want from Poland after all of things they've done? "Take immigrants or you will be punished!" (Yes, they said that) Why should Poland take them? Did we invite them to Europe? No. Do poles want them? No. What is goverment doing? Saying "no". Guess who's not willing to take immigrants too. Hungary :)... To all my hungarian friends: "Lengyel, magyar – két jó barát, Együtt harcol s issza borát, Vitéz s bátor mindkettője, Áldás szálljon mindkettőre." (There was no hate speech in this comment, only pure facts and some history, open your eyes Europe until it's too late)

/r/europe Thread Link -