Tried Tinder, it's been 2 weeks and I want my 2 weeks back.

You all are playing the dating app game incorrectly. I am a software engineer by profession and I have used it for 4 years and to give you some numbers- I got more than 300 matches and went on more than 20 dates. I was scared to go out with all.

In fact I turned down some dates as I felt girls were needy. One girl even invited me to a pub nearby and said she would like to make out with me on the first day of match.

So here is the mantra, in India tinder and bumble is only used by these out of your league guys and girls. Of course as it is a foreign made app. Most of the desi crowd resides in Aisle and other Indian dating apps and these are very underestimated dating apps in my opinion.

One interesting info on tinder and bumble - bumble was founded as a revenge to take on tinder. Tinder had 3 cofounders - 2 guys and 1 girl. The girl used to date one of the guys but was kicked out of the company. The reasons are out there you can read about it. Later, She founded bumble to take on tinder. The point of this story is these apps were built for a particular audience in mind which is definitely not working out for Indians. Use Indian dating apps which are trying to think and solve these for us.

Coming to how you can increase your matches in tinder- who said to match with Indian girl or a boy? There are plenty outside India . Trust me you have a better shot at foreigners in these apps.

My personal experience says that make foreign matches and find a opportunity to travel and meet them. I hope this long post helps you guys!

/r/Indiangirlsontinder Thread Link -