Endless cycle of online dating where the average guy suffers

There is a huge chance you are bullshitting, but assuming what you said is true, this is what I think.

Look, it's not the number of people, at least from what I've seen. It's more like how those interactions were. I personally don't like casual relationships, or anyone who thinks it's okay. The reason I see is if you can convince yourself to sleep with someone without emotionally being invested in them, it's gonna kill your ability to pair-bond. You won't entirely trust anyone now, and it's probably why you see this huge correlation with trauma stories and colorful dating history.

In short, the gen z "commitment issues" is cuz they managed to separate emotions and sex. Now 10 girls in 3 months, that's more than 1 every 10 days and honestly you are not very different from a good number of girls I've spoken to, but they are all people who talk about "commitment issues", and you don't fix yourself, you are gonna have a bunch of it for yourself too.

And dude, if you wanna date, and you are doing well at work, go ask your mom (if you aren't then install LinkedIn, not tinder). She'll be happy, you'll be happy, she is a woman who knows how and probably loves to in most cases :P

/r/Indiangirlsontinder Thread