Tulsi Scored 3rd Debate Qualifying Poll @ 4%!!!!! (2nd Poll for December)

Here's one data point, for what it's worth:

For frame of reference, the only democrat I've ever voted for in a Presidential election was to cast a vote against Teddy Kennedy in the '80 Primary. I feared the possibility of Ted Kennedy becoming President like I feared Hillary becoming President. The fact that Hillary hates Tulsi is all I needed to check her out.

It's her anti-war stance, her leadership, her commitment to country, her unwillingness to tow the line (for the DNC, for corporations, etc), and her ability to deliver a strong, consistent message, that's attracted me. There's a lot of her platform that goes against what I believe in.

But it would be nice to have a President that I can really be proud of. I'd be willing to take a chance on some of what I consider to be "wacko policies", because, ya know... sometimes my belief are wrong.

I consider myself a social liberal and a fiscal conservative, with a definite libertarian viewpoint when it comes to federal laws - less laws and less federal spending and less tax tends to be better, in my opinion. (For instance, I think Social Security, as is, was a mistake, because it can never be un-done, and now it's a retirement program as opposed to a safety net.)

I've never been energized by a candidate before, and certainly never a democratic presidential candidate. I mean, I would have enjoyed having a beer with Barack or watching him speak, but he didn't sway me as a candidate. Tulsi, on the other hand, has me energized.

Still early, and I reserve the right to change my mind. But I have told about 10 people that they need to check her out.

/r/tulsi Thread Parent Link - usatoday.com