Unable To Connect :(

My Windows 7 64 HD got full so I bought another hard drive. On this new hard drive I installed Windows 7 32 due to programs not working on 64.

  • Currently I use the W7 32. Whenever I need to access the other drive I power down the computer, swap the power and sata cable to W7 64. Sometimes it works other times I get "Boot device not found".

  • Is there a way to have them both already connected and I can just pick which one the computer boots into?


I have sata 1/sata 3 slots available. I'm guessing I'd need another sata cable. When it comes to the power connector P4 is connected to the HD and P3 is free but it wont reach to the other HD. Is this the cable I'd need? Connect one end to sata 1 and the other to the W7 64 HD.

/r/Sniffies Thread