Unpopular Opinion: Jeff

Unlike most, my life doesn’t revolve around likes. I could care less who upvotes me lmfao.

And yes, people these days as a whole are sheep. They do not use critical thinking and follow what everyone else is doing. There’s a disdain & hatred for the rich mixed with their love for the show and it clouds logical judgement. Naturally my comment was going to unpopular and people weren’t going to agree. I was prepared for that. And idgaf

They were literally trying to save the job of a racist. Which again, wouldn’t have worked out to begin with. And I find it very hard to believe that people who are in the financial circumstances as Jeff would turn down a job from corporate If offered. Again, in acts of desperation people will be selfish. That’s the same as the whole analogy of stealing food to feed your kids if you can’t afford it. Yes, it’s wrong, but in moments of desperation you’d choose the selfish option.

But of course in this “ficitional tv show” people will only have empathy for the main cast. I really don’t care at this point.

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